Welcome! Here you will find links to many of the items we use on our farm. We currently links to items that are sold by third party vendors. These products are sold through affiliate programs and as such we may receive a small compensation (at no additional cost to you) if you purchase items listed or linked on our website. We only recommend products that we personally use and will never promote items that do not meet our quality standards. Any questions about/issues with the items or issues with shipping should be directed directly to the merchant.
Garden Tools
Cobra Weeding ToolThis versatile garden tool is great for digging out deep rooted weeds and fantastic for carving rows while planting. The ergonomic shape makes it super convenient. |
Seed Starting Trays With Humidity Control LidThese trays are a fantastic way to start your seedlings indoors. This pack comes with 10 trays, and each tray has 12 cells meaning you can start 120 plants with this pack of reusable trays. |
GreenhouseThis greenhouse is a great inexpensive option for gardeners looking for a way to extend their gardening season or needing a place to start their seedlings. We are in love with ours! |
Multipurpose Garden ToolThis versatile tool is fantastic because it combines the tasks of garden snips, herb scissors, and pruning scissors. This tool stays sharp, is easy to handle, and comes with a very convenient sheath as both outer edges are sharp. |
Coconut Coir Seed Starting MixSeeds germinate well in a well draining medium and coconut coir is a fantastic and sustainable solution. Coconut coir comes in a compressed form that expands when moisture is added. |
Back to the RootsWe love all of the products we have tried from Back to the Roots! Their organic mushroom growing kits are absolutely amazing and they give back to the community! When you buy a kit and share a photo of your kit growing, and tag the company on social media, they will donate a kit to the school of your choice! We love their their commitment to sharing the growing spirit with kids, and have had great results from the seeds we’ve purchased as well! When you shop with Back to the Roots, you can save $10 off of a $30 purchase by using this link: http://backtotheroots.refr.cc/hogsandhensurbanfarm |
Mr Stacky Vertical GardenWe love this so much at Hogs and Hens Urban Farm that we have multiple Mr Stacky towers! |